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Schedule for 2017-2018:​
Key Competition and Registration Dates

10/1 - 11/26: Online Physics Brawl Registration

A three-hour internet competition for teams up to five people, open to the world. Organized by FYKOS at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. More information can be found on their website, here.​


11/12 - 11/19: Princeton University Physics Competition Online Exam portion

Teams of two to six people are given a week to complete challenging physics problems that are related by a certain topic. Important skills other than a good understanding of physics include: programming, research, proof writing.


11/19: Princeton University Physics Competition Onsite Exam portion

This year, the PUPC onsite exam will be held on a separate day than PUMaC, so participants will not have to worry about a conflict.


*Registration is open NOW. Register here. PUPC website here.


11/29: FYKOS Online Physics Brawl Competition

17:00 to 19:59 CET (12:00 to 14:59 EST)


12/12 F=ma Exam Registration Deadline


1/17 - 1/23 F=ma Exam


2: Notification for eligibility for USAPhO

3: USAPhO Exam

6: USA Physics Team Camp at University of Maryland

College Park

Materials and Recommended Literature

Halliday and Resnick: Fundamentals of Physics

Morin: Introduction to Mechanics (a.k.a Red Morin)

Contains semi-rigorous formulation of Lagrangian Mechanics and applications​​​

Purcell and Morin: Electricity and Magnetism


Lagrangian Mechanics in Action: Olympiads

An accessible introduction to the Lagrangian method by Rice Porridge, written in the scope of olympiads. Currently updating so new content will be appended.​


See this IPhO post for powerful examples of the Lagrangian method.​

Problem Books

Gnädig: 200 Puzzling Physics Problems

Irodov: Problems in General Physics

A problem book with several hundred nontrivial exercises; highly recommended to accompany any textbook.

Krotov: Problems in Physics​

Practically a twin of Irodov, but problems are solved more by physical intuition, which makes this a good alternative if you don't want to go through as much of the mathematical rigor that Irodov provides. Contains many Moscow Physics Olympiad problems.

Other Resources

IPhO 1967 - 1993

Past USAPhO and F=ma exams

MIT OpenCourseWare

Many recorded lectures free to watch, complete with supplementary lecture notes, exercises, and tests.

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